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Were you in Foster Care? Are you younger than 26 years old? You get Medicaid Health Insurance! But you have to act now! It's free to sign up!

Alumni of Foster Care - Health Care

Posted by  admin  Oct 9, 2013

If you...

  • Left foster care at 18 years old or older


  • Will be younger than 26 years old on January 1, 2014

...then you can get Medicaid health insurance coverage until you are 26 years old. But you have to sign up!

If you are a teenager or young adult who will be leaving foster care soon, talk with your caseworker about signing up so you will have Medicaid health insurance until you are 26 years old.

If you were in foster care but returned home, or were adopted or stayed with other family, you might still be able to get Medicaid depending on your income. You will be asked if you have a job, and if so, how much money you make.

How Do I Sign Up?

Contact your state Medicaid office:

Go to www.medicaiddirectors.org. Click on your state to be taken to your state's Medicaid office Web site. Call the main phone number listed. Tell them that you left foster care at age 18 (or later) and that you would like to sign up for Medicaid under the new health care law.

Coverage will start January 1, 2014, but don't wait to sign up. Sign up now!

Visit www.aap.org/alumnihealth to learn more.