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INFANCY: 2 Month Visit

Getting Ready for this Visit


baby propped up with pillowsWrite down your questions. Share your baby's new accomplishments and fully participate in this visit as a partner in your child's health.

Babies with special needs: Discuss how things are going for you and your child—any concerns, needs, or support services. If your baby is in Early Intervention, bring your Individualized Family Service Plan to the visit, mention treatments or visits to specialists.

At this age, your baby may:

  • Smile and coo
  • Indicate a need for food, sleep, or comfort with different cues and cries
  • Push up with arms when on tummy and hold head up
  • Fuss when bored or needs a change of position
  • Show interest in hearing sounds and looking at objects
  • Respond to your voices


What's Important for this Visit

YOUR questions and concerns are the #1 priority! Your health care provider may also discuss:

  • Mother's well-being: mother's health checkup; regular activities; "baby blues"; parent responsibilities; family support; brothers and sisters

  • Infant behavior: parent-child relationship; daily routines; safe sleep; growth and change; physical activity (tummy time, rolling over); communication and calming

  • Infant-family: parent-infant separation (return to work/school); child care

  • Feeding routines: feeding choices (delaying solid foods; herbs/vitamins/ supplements); hunger/fullness cues; feeding strategies (holding, burping); breastfeeding or formula feeding

  • Safety: car seats; water temperature; tobacco smoke; preventing choking, drowning, falls


The Two Month Visit: What To Expect

Your health care provider will check your baby from head to toe, checking skin, head, eyes, heart, etc.; measure height, weight, and head size; ask questions to see how your child is developing, and ask about changes in your family. May carry out screening tests: blood test, hearing, others as needed.

  • Immunizations: See chart for any needed at this age.